Sunday, January 11, 2009


Grocery shopping last night was the best! We were at Bukit Timah Plaza and I met a Giant Santa! I was too exhausted last night to tell you about all of this!

Look! A Giant Santa! I'm showing you! Yes yes yes! All 80kg of him! Delicious! Now if only the glass casing wasn't there... I think I'd have found my new favourite food other than raisins and tim-tams! Just one thing... It's been in there for TWO YEARS. Two whole years. This frog had second thoughts about getting his webbed feet on Santa when he heard that!

And because a healthy frog is better than a sick one, I had a little health check-up done! They don't call it a supermarket for nothing! You could do anything there!

And... the results!

Yes, your favourite little green pal weighs in at a trim and fit 502 grams! Ignore the fact that the Mettler Toledo weighing machine is saying that I cost $1.25, because I DO NOT. Also ignore the fact that it says "Broccoli Flower". Because, even though we are both green, I am no flower!

This entire family of lumbering humans stopped in their tracks to admire my greenness (and my great gripping power) at the wine section while I was posing for this shot.

Kim's camera phone takes pretty neat pictures, doesn't it!

It was a great day! Till my next post, this is me saying goodbye!

(I wanted to be stuffed in that plastic bag thing, it looked fun! And I thought it'd be funny to find a frog in the bread section. And that is what I did!)

Your favourite frog

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