Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let's go fly a kite!

Today Mel and I woke up waaay past noon, I think, because I didn't check, but I'm pretty sure. And anyway we're both still in our pyjamas so I suppose you'd think we didn't do much anything today. But we did!

So this is the gang in our backyard. It was chilly out so I put on one of my sweaters. (Yolly gave me quite many!) We tried to fly a kite, that is what we did! We didn't really manage to, but that's okay.

Big Al held the kite up and Kim (that's her in the photograph, with Chloe, who's quite fine!) ran but I suppose she didn't quite run fast enough, because the kite didn't take off.

And Nick thought he was being all cool by having me a ride in his bicycle basket, and I was with my grubby hands in the air and halfway through a "WHEEEE" when dear old fatty HAD to flop over and into the air I went, and down into the dirt I went. But not for long because what's a frog to do other than pick himself up. Luckily Mel came to my rescue and she was yelling "GIMME BACK MY FROG". Meanwhile, Nick was trying to salvage his dignity.

Soon it got dark and we trooped back indoors, and Kim was saying to Mel Hey imagine if we hid Kodok in a field and left him there, and forgot all about him, imagine that! And I'd think Mel would have it in her heart to say No Way, but she said And we could come back with torches yelling Koooodooook where are you!

And all the while, I was rubbing my green head because of that fall into the dirt. And my hands were filthy (as usual, but more so). Hmpfh.

But I think that quite knocked some sense into me because I had a Revelation. And I decided it would be cool to get myself a blog. And that is what I did.

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