Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This frog is glad to report! That after flight delays, Mel and me are Finally Grounded! ;)

Of course, not 'grounded' in the "YOU'RE GROUNDED YOUNG FROG!" sense of the word... we mean, we've got our feet on solid ground!

Aaaaand... the mandatory before-we-left photo!

In the afternoon, we lugged our luggage (haha lugged luggage) to school just to pick up some stuff! It was funny - whoever sees a luggage being lugged around school!! I was stuck in the trunk though... And I tried my best not to kick up a fuss, but I got ever so hungry roundabout 6pm... So Mel let me out! We had something to munch before leaving!

Yesyesyes, this frog's going places, my friends!

Love from a New Land,
Ollie Kodok Frogobo

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A hop, skip, and a jump...

A hop, skip, and a jump, and a year's gone by!

Oh World, how I love thee!

The surprises started springing on Monday, when Yolly had cakes and candles JUST FOR US in the kitchen for Mel and me when she got home! Mel was ever so surprised! I was tinkering about in the den all day, but I'd heard some sounds from the kitchen. The Frog's Instinct sensed something comin'!

Plus! A certain parcel had arrived just for Melly! (Yeah, it doubled as my booster seat for awhile up there...)

Oh I love being a frog. Today I turn ONE YEAR OLD! Remember the time I "celebrated" my "birthday"? (Okay, un-birthday.) Anyway Blogger deleted that post ): But you might remember the time I was allowed to get my webbed hands on the Big Lighter Contraption on Mimsy's birthday! Well that was just practice! Today's the real deal, my friends!

More clickaclickas tonight! First, Mel's gonna take me out for a birthday luncheroo.

Anyway, we're still in our PJs, Omi let us sleeeeep in!

WE HAD TWO PARCELS IN THE MAIL LAST NIGHT :D And a big blueberry cake! With macaroons, thank you Kimmy! AND HELIUM BALLOONS, MY FRIENDS, HELIUUUUM.

Anyyywayyy, just ta say, I love parcels!

And big thank you to Nig, Janine, and Doreen for the birthday wishes, three of you make me happy always! See you in school soonsoon!

One year old,
Ollie Kodok Frogobo

P.S. This frog is a teeeeensy bit saddened 'cos blogspot deleted some of his old posts D: Sympathy in the form of food is very much welcome!